Hello, welcome to my blog. This website has grown fairly quickly, and I’ve been contemplating plans for new content. The long-term focus of it will probably be my interests in language, history, art, and so on. One of my favorite parts of the Internet is when people write pages and pages about fields they’re passionate about, whether it’s the laws of physics or a dissection of a Shostakovich cantata; I’d like join them in doing so. On the other hand, though, if I make this website too academic, it will grow inaccessible, impersonal, and probably a little pretentious. I’ll try to balance it out with more personal content—in this blog, for example, and a photography page. At some point, I also plan to translate this website into Russian; if nobody reads it, at least it’s good practice.
What I hope to achieve in this website’s decoration is the image of a winter night in a New England city—spiraling snow, frozen old statues and gardens, golden lamp-posts, brick buildings, carousels, warm symphony halls, subway stations, grand galleries and exhibitions. My childhood home and the books I grew up reading bred a strong nostalgia for this specific image. I shall also add some elements of “Dark Academia.”
Plans aside, what has been going on in my life? Well, I had a dream that Shostakovich was added to Genshin Impact (though I don’t play video-games anymore.) I turned sixteen. I’ve been reading Anna Karenina and Brave New World. I’ve still been fighting to stay away from social media and gaming. It’s a real struggle to download video-games and delete them three minutes later.
Thank you for your time, dear reader; have a nice day. If you’d like, here’s a nice symphony.